Requisiti di accesso, obiettivi e sbocchi


Mandatory titles
  • [TSS] -
Optional titles (to choose from following)
  • [L2] -
  • [L1] -
  • [LM] -
  • [TS] -
  • [LS] -


Access to further study.

The title gives access to a second level University Master and Ph.D.

Obiettivi formativi specifici.

The master's degree course in International Relations, which is interdisciplinary in structure, is mainly geared towards providing a solid preparation for specialist officials capable of analysing the international geopolitical context and the relations between different political systems, as well as the role of international organisations, both politically and economically. In particular, the course aims to strengthen knowledge, according to an internationalist approach, of the historical-political, economic and legal disciplines, also through the use of teaching methodologies aimed at developing critical sense and skills. The course also trains figures capable of interpreting transformations in the economic, environmental and territorial organisation spheres. The course aims to provide skills aimed at the analysis of issues related to the self-determination of peoples, the protection of human rights, the treatment of minorities and migrants, the environment and sustainable development, the development of cooperation between national and/or international institutions and territorial organisations, economic analyses of systems and territorial organisation. The degree course includes some compulsory teaching on the evolution of the national and international political and economic system, as well as others aimed at strengthening legal-internationalist knowledge and language skills. It also provides for groups of teachings of related subjects in the historical-political, legal-economic and linguistic fields in order to provide a flexible and interdisciplinary education. With regard to the study of languages, which is particularly qualifying from a professional point of view, a compulsory language (from among French, English and Spanish) is envisaged. The student may also choose a second foreign language from among English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Both the acquisition of the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) as well as compulsory attendance of classes may be envisaged, according to criteria that will be specified by the course of study as it progresses. A certain number of free credits allows for possible internship/internship experiences. The maturation of skills and the acquisition of specialist knowledge will take place in stages by means of traditional frontal lectures, interdisciplinary seminar activities, specialist workshops and seminars, including extracurricular ones, to provide expertise in the field of European planning. These acquisitions will be verified through in itinere tests and at the conclusion of the individual activities.

Language(s) of instruction/examination.